
New facility marks new era for Keraplast

World-leading biotechnology company Keraplast has officially opened its new office and manufacturing facility in Islington, Christchurch.

New podcast: Michael Toothill – Kilmarnock Enterprises

Tune in to Episode 3 of our Bold Company Podcast to hear Michael Toothill from Kilmarnock Enterprises discuss how the organisation is balancing profitability with social impact, and the challenges and successes that have defined their journey.

Advanced AI system to revolutionise milking on dairy farms

New AI technology is improving cow flow at milking time, resulting in a more efficient process for farmers, and calmer, more productive cows.

Major terminal upgrade to see Christchurch Airport fresh for summer

Christchurch Airport has unveiled plans for a revamp of its terminal offering with the new facilities expected to be ready for a busy summer of international visitors.

Upscaled international film festival brings world premieres to Christchurch

For the rest of June, Christchurch will be hosting the Doc Edge International Documentary Film Festival, an Oscar-qualifying film event bringing members of the international film industry and a multitude of film events and experiences, including world premieres, to Christchurch.

NZ’s first online archaeological museum launched

Canterbury archaeologists have unearthed more than a million artefacts, which are now preserved digitally at the Museum of Archaeology Ōtautahi, the country’s first online archaeological museum.

Two Cantabrians receive highest governance honour

The Canterbury Branch of the Institute of Directors’ (IoD) has awarded its top honour of Distinguished Fellow (DistFInstD) to two of its members – Jane Huria (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāi Tūāhuriri) and Brian Wood.

Parakiore Recreation and Sport Centre just over a year from completion

Rau Paenga expects to have construction of Christchurch’s Parakiore Recreation and Sport Centre completed in July 2025.

Christchurch’s GDP growth still outperforming national average

According to the latest ChristchurchNZ Quarterly Economic Report, economic activity in Christchurch has continued to soften, although the city’s GDP growth is still outperforming the national average.