SME confidence rise muted as green shoots eclipsed by cost concerns

SMEs’ expectations around New Zealand’s economic performance over the next 12 months have changed significantly compared to this time last year, and the financial health of businesses is also on the up – but cost pressures continue to cause concern, according to new data from MYOB’s Annual Business Monitor.

Economic snapshot of the region

ChristchurchNZ recently released its Quarterly Economic Report, providing a snapshot of the Christchurch and Canterbury economy and how it compares to the rest of New Zealand. So what does this mean for local businesses?

Business confidence positive, but with headwinds looming

Business confidence

Business Canterbury released the results of its March Quarterly Canterbury Business Survey, highlighting generally positive business confidence, but also some potential headwinds coming as the effects of rising costs and dwindling consumer demand bed in.

North Canterbury businesses feeling confident

North Canterbury businesses

North Canterbury businesses are feeling significantly more positive about the future than they were six months ago, according to findings from the latest North Canterbury Business Opinion Survey released by Enterprise North Canterbury (ENC).

Business confidence back on the rise

Survey on laptop

The results of the final Business Canterbury Quarterly Canterbury Business Survey for the year highlight a turnaround in key business confidence metrics following a slump in August. The last survey was in the field just weeks before the General Election, and the results reflected mounting uncertainty about the economy. Results this quarter show that businesses […]