The Bold Company Podcast

The Bold Company Podcast is all about telling the stories of Canterbury businesses and the people behind them. Join hosts Hannah Weeds and Vaughan Fleming as they uncover tales of innovation, determination, success and lessons learned across Canterbury. 

Big thanks to our Season 1 sponsor, Christchurch Airport – growing the engine room for Canterbury businesses. And the lovely people at Ruffells, one of Christchurch’s leading creative studios who are helping us make this happen by recording and post-producing the series and bringing the good vibes.


Please follow us on Spotify to ensure you don’t miss an episode. And leave a review, it would mean a lot to us. 

Have an idea for a guest? We’re always looking for great stories. Get in touch!

Bold Company Podcast featuring Brianne West

Listen to and follow the Bold Company podcast on Spotify, Amazon Music & Apple Podcasts.

Bold Company Hosts

Hannah Weeds, brand marketing specialist for Business Canterbury
Vaughan Fleming, Business Canterbury

Hannah Weeds
Brand Marketing Specialist, Business Canterbury
Co-Host, Bold Company Podcast

Vaughan Fleming
Membership Manager, Business Canterbury
Co-Host, Bold Company Podcast

A big thank you to our supporters…